Spot the Difference Widget at

Spot the Difference Widget at
In this tutorial, we will continue to work on the Spot the Difference widget for iBooks AuthorR. has many free widgets that are fun to add to your iBooks Author book. The Spot the Difference game is very flexible and can be used for many educational purposes.

As our players are very young, we won't use a timer or set a maximum number of incorrect tries. However, if you wish to use this feature, you have the option to upload your own winning and loosing graphics.


Start Image - This will be displayed at the start of the game, when the timer is set. It should be 1024 x 728 pixels.

Start Text - If you choose to show the start text, you have the option to set the text color and the background color behind the text.

Start Sound - This .m4a audio file will play when the game begins.

Running Out of Time

Out of Time Image - This 1024 x 728 pixel image will display when the player has no time left.

Out of Time Text - Again you can set the text and background area colors.

Out of Time Sound - This audio file will play when the game is over.


Losing Image - If the player exceeds the maximum number of incorrect tries, this image will be displayed. Again it is 1024 x 728 pixels.

Losing Text - Set the background and text colors.

Losing Sound - Upload the audio file to be played.

Even though we are not using the timer or maximum guesses, we still want to use a custom winning image to match our game graphics. We will also upload a short audio file to play at the end of the game. However, we will turn off the text option.


Winning Image - This 1024 x 728 pixel image will display when the player has found all the differences.

Winning Text - Uncheck the box for text and background color.

Winning Sound - Upload the wining audio file.


It would also be nice to give the player audio hints.

  1. Upload a Successful Find audio file to play when the player taps in the correct area.

  2. Upload a Failed Find audio file to play when the player taps in an incorrect area.

Now that we have all the Static settings, we can work on the Live Settings. These settings can be changed or updated after the widget is published in a book.

Live Settings

  1. We can give the widget a title. Unlike the Widget name that we set previously, the widget title will be visible in the book. We will use the simple "Can you fine the differences?" message.

  2. If you wish, you can set the number of incorrect tries and/or the Total Time for the game. In our widget, we don't want to use these settings. So we need to set them both to -1.

That's it. Now, just save, download the widget and test in iBooks Author


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This content was written by Diane Cipollo. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Diane Cipollo for details.